State Microfinance bank for sale - based in Lagos State
Title of your offer:
State Microfinance bank for sale
Nature of the business:
Microfinance banking
Industry sector your business operates in:
microfinance banking
Year Business Was registered: 2017
Products and services offered by the company:
Microfinance banking services
Number of years the business has been in operation: 5
City and State The Business is Located:
Lagos State
Number of Staff Members: 30
Type and Value of Assets and Liabilities:
Deposits, Loans, operating assets
Creditors and Debtors,
Available on request
Type and Number of Clients:
Available on request
Profitability of the business:
Available on request
Current Condition of the Business:
Reason and Purpose of Your Choice:
Business consolidation
Price and Amount of Money/Investment you seek for the business:
Available on request
Types of Company Records Available for Inspection:
all records including CBN reports, NDIC reports, CAC records, audited accountsts, etc. Available on request
Are you acting as an Agent or are you the business owner?:Agent
An operational State Microfinance bank for sale and is based in Lagos State. It has a State license and is available for purchase.
The bank is well capitalized and with deposit liabilities in excess of N400 million and assets in excess of N1 billion.
Interested buyers should contact BuyMyBusiness Business Brokers
- 15/17 Ogudu Road, Ojota, Lagos State, Nigeria
- Tel: 08020698922
- Email: