A Tier 2 Microfinance bank for Sale in Lagos

Title of your offer:
A Tier 2 Microfinance bank for Sale in Lagos
Nature of the business:
Microfinance banking
Industry sector your business operates in:
Microfinance banking
Year Business Was registered: 2024
Products and services offered by the company:
Microfinance banking services
Number of years the business has been in operation: 1
City and State The Business is Located:
Number of Staff Members: 3
Type and Value of Assets and Liabilities:
Microfinance banking license only
Creditors and Debtors,
Type and Number of Clients:
New License
Profitability of the business:
Current Condition of the Business:
New microfinance banking license
Reason and Purpose of Your Choice:
Business diversification
Price and Amount of Money/Investment you seek for the business:
N250 million
Types of Company Records Available for Inspection:
Regulatory records
Are you acting as an Agent or are you the business owner?:Agent
A Tier 2 Microfinance bank for Sale in Lagos State. The owners are selling only the license with no assets and liabilities attached. The Microfinance bank license is a fresh microfinance banking license. New owners have the option of relocating the bank as they wish.
Interested buyers are expected to furnish
1. Conditional offer
2. Letter written by prospective buyer agreed to pay facilitators fee
3. Proof of funds or evidence of fund availability
Serious and Ready Buyers and or investors should contact:
BuyMyBusiness Business Brokers
- 15/17 Ogudu Road, Ojota, Lagos State
- Tel: 08020698922
- Email: deals@buymybusiness.com,ng