Battery Manufacturers Representative

Title of your offer:
Become a Battery manufacturer’s representative
Nature of the business:
Battery manufacturing and distribution
Industry sector your business operates in:
battery manufacturing
Year Business Was registered: 2004
Products and services offered by the company:
Car batteries
Number of years the business has been in operation: 9
City and State The Business is Located:
Number of Staff Members: 137
Type and Value of Assets and Liabilities:
Manufacturing equipment
Creditors and Debtors,
Type and Number of Clients:
Local distributors and exporters
Profitability of the business:
highly profitable
Current Condition of the Business:
Reason and Purpose of Your Choice:
To have a strong foothold in the Nigerian market
Price and Amount of Money/Investment you seek for the business:
Ability for the representative
Types of Company Records Available for Inspection:
As needed
Are you acting as an Agent or are you the business owner?:Agent
Invest in a growing and demand driven business. Batteries are always in high demand. With the growing number of cars on Nigerian roads and with the growing adoption of solar and renewables, the battery market and business will keep growing. you have the opportunity to represent a reputable battery manufacturer and serve as the franchisee in Nigeria