Petrol Station For Lease or for Sale In Benin City

Petrol Station For Lease or for Sale In Benin City
Title of your offer:

Petrol Station For Lease or for Sale In Benin City

Nature of the business:

Petrol station

Industry sector your business operates in:

oil and gas

Year Business Was registered: 1999
Products and services offered by the company:

Oil and Gas and petroleum products

Number of years the business has been in operation: 24
City and State The Business is Located:

Benin City, Edo State

Number of Staff Members: 7
Type and Value of Assets and Liabilities:

Land and Buildings, petrol pumps, Generator, Filling station assets

Creditors and Debtors,

On request

Type and Number of Clients:


Profitability of the business:


Current Condition of the Business:


Reason and Purpose of Your Choice:

Business reasons

Price and Amount of Money/Investment you seek for the business:

N460 million

Types of Company Records Available for Inspection:


Are you acting as an Agent or are you the business owner?:Agent

An existing Petrol Station For Lease or for Sale In Benin City with eight pumps, car wash, service station, and provision for a restaurant or supermarket located in Benin City, Edo State is available for long lease or sale. The filling station in addition has a working borehole, generator and an office building. The station is located along a major road and is covered by a certificate of occupancy.

Serious and Interested buyers should contact

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