Vegetable Oil Refinery for Sale

Vegetable Oil Refinery for Sale
Title of your offer:

Vegetable Oil Refinery for Sale

Nature of the business:

Vegetable and palm kernel refinery

Industry sector your business operates in:


Year Business Was registered: 1998
Products and services offered by the company:

Vegetable oil

Number of years the business has been in operation: 23
City and State The Business is Located:

Aba, Abia State

Number of Staff Members: Presently only security staff of 3
Type and Value of Assets and Liabilities:

Factory buildings
office building
Pant and machinery

Creditors and Debtors,

Available on request

Type and Number of Clients:


Profitability of the business:

Depends on owner

Current Condition of the Business:

Not operational

Reason and Purpose of Your Choice:

Business sustainability

Price and Amount of Money/Investment you seek for the business:

N270 million

Types of Company Records Available for Inspection:

official documents
Management accounts
Government approvals and invoices

Are you acting as an Agent or are you the business owner?:Agent

A vegetable oil refinery company based in Aba, Abia State is available for sale to ready investors. The refinery is equipped to refine palm oil and palm kernel into vegetable oil products. The refinery includes the factory building, office building, raw material warehouse, security post, finished products warehouse and generator warehouse. All equipment are on site with the exception of the generator. The factory also has an operational industrial size borehole and an 10,000 liter overhead water reservoir and a four thousand liter underground water reservoir.

Interested and serious buyers should contact:

BuyMyBusiness Business brokers

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