Distribute TechKraft Batteries in Nigeria

Distribute TechKraft Batteries in Nigeria Distribute TechKraft Batteries in Nigeria Distribute TechKraft Batteries in Nigeria Distribute TechKraft Batteries in Nigeria
Title of your offer:

Distribute TechKraft Batteries in Nigeria

Nature of the business:

Battery manufacturing and sales

Industry sector your business operates in:

Manufacturing and Energy

Year Business Was registered: 1999
Products and services offered by the company:

Tall tubular lead acid batteries for SOLAR AND INVERTER batteries
VRLA Gel batteries for deep cycle applications
AUTOMOBILE BATTERIES for cars, buses and trucks

Number of years the business has been in operation: Over 20 years
City and State The Business is Located:

Rajasthan, India

Number of Staff Members: over 200
Type and Value of Assets and Liabilities:

As per records

Creditors and Debtors,

As per records

Type and Number of Clients:

We export to over 8 countries

Profitability of the business:

As per records

Current Condition of the Business:

Expanding to new countries

Reason and Purpose of Your Choice:

Global growth and expansion

Price and Amount of Money/Investment you seek for the business:

Bulk and container load buyers

Types of Company Records Available for Inspection:

As per records

Are you acting as an Agent or are you the business owner?:Agent

Techkraft Industries is seeking importers and distributors of batteries to distribute Techkraft range of quality batteries in Nigeria. The batteries are manufactured in India and the company’s well equipped factory is well equipped and capable of manufacturing high quality:

  1. Tall tubular lead acid batteries for SOLAR AND INVERTER batteries
  2. VRLA Gel batteries for deep cycle applications
  3. AUTOMOBILE BATTERIES for cars, buses and trucks

About Techkraft Industries

As a battery exporter from India. we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products and exceptional service. We use the latest technology and production techniques to manufacture batteries that meet the highest standards of performance, reliability, and durability. Our batteries are widely used in various industries, including automotive, solar power, telecommunications, and backup power solutions.

At Techkraft, we understand the importance of delivering reliable and efficient battery solutions to our customers. That’s why we work closely with them to understand their specific requirements and deliver customized battery solutions that meet their needs. Our commitment to customer satisfaction has made us a trusted battery exporter to countries in Africa, and Middle East.

In addition to exporting to various countries in the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa, we are also always looking forward to expanding our operations and exporting our products to other countries in the near future where we lack exclusive distributor partners. As a leading battery exporter, we are committed to growth and innovation, and we look forward to continuing to provide our customers with the highest quality batteries and exceptional service. Become a battery distributor with techkraft batteries

Apply to become Distributor of Techkraft Batteries in Nigeria.


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