Petrol Station for Sale

Petrol Station for Sale
Title of your offer:

Petrol Station for Sale

Nature of the business:

Petrol filling station

Industry sector your business operates in:

Oil and gas

Year Business Was registered: 2009
Products and services offered by the company:

Petroleum products

Number of years the business has been in operation: 15
City and State The Business is Located:

Ogere, Ogun State

Number of Staff Members: 0
Type and Value of Assets and Liabilities:

Land, buildings, licences and approvals and tanks

Creditors and Debtors,

Available on request

Type and Number of Clients:

petroleum products users and automobiles

Profitability of the business:

As per report

Current Condition of the Business:

Not operational

Reason and Purpose of Your Choice:

Business decision

Price and Amount of Money/Investment you seek for the business:

N370 million

Types of Company Records Available for Inspection:

As needed

Are you acting as an Agent or are you the business owner?:Agent

A Petrol Station for Sale located in Ogere, along the Lagos Ibadan Expressway and besides Conference and Training Center, Ogere, Ogun State is available for sale. The petrol filling station is on 7.5 plots of land and is covered by a certificate of occupancy. It also has all the petrol station approvals including the access to highway approval, access to build and petrol station licences.

The property, which seats in between the International Conference and Training center and the Ogere Trailer park currently houses two buildings one of which is the petrol station. It has ample and adequate space for a hotel, or a block of flats, or a shopping complex as an adjoining development to the petrol filling station The petrol station pumps are not part of the sale and the station is currently not in operation.

The asking price for the petrol station is N370 million.

Interested Buyers should contact:

BuyMyBusiness Business Brokers


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