Paint and Chemical Manufacturing Company for Sale

Paint and Chemical Manufacturing Company for Sale
Title of your offer:

Paint and Chemical Manufacturing Company for Sale

Nature of the business:

Paint and Chemical Manufacturing

Industry sector your business operates in:

Paint and Chemical Manufacturing

Year Business Was registered: 2011
Products and services offered by the company:

Paints and Chemicals

Number of years the business has been in operation: 12
City and State The Business is Located:

Anambra State

Number of Staff Members: 46
Type and Value of Assets and Liabilities:

Factory Buildings
Office buildings
Paints and Chemical manufacturing equipment
Distribution vehicles

Creditors and Debtors,

Available on request

Type and Number of Clients:

Available on request

Profitability of the business:


Current Condition of the Business:


Reason and Purpose of Your Choice:

Business Reorganization

Price and Amount of Money/Investment you seek for the business:

N450 million asking

Types of Company Records Available for Inspection:

Audited and Management Accounts
Government Approvals
Regulatory Approvals
sales and Purchase records

Are you acting as an Agent or are you the business owner?:Agent

A medium scale paint and chemical manufacturing company for sale or long lease. The company is based in Anambra State, South East Nigeria, and has been in operation for more than ten years. It operates from its own purpose built premises covered by a certificate of occupancy issued by the Anambra State Government.

The company presently produces emulsion and oil paints, thinners and glue. It equally has space for expansion and for the installation of additional machinery. The products have all the requisite certifications and are in good demand in the south east, north central and south south regions

The owners are seeking investors interested in either outright purchase of the entire factory and products or for a long lease operation of the factory.

Serious and Ready buyers should contact:

BuyMyBusiness Business Brokers


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